Saturday 21 August 2010

Luck \o/

This year i have been the most unlucky person i know. Fact. Everytime i think i have gotton over the last horrendous ordeal, along comes another one to fuck me over \o/ Im considering actually going on a "My Name is Earl" type mission to try and get rid of all this bad luck that is apparently following me around.

I am putting the above fact about me because before this year i dont think i was too emo/QQ. But now all i seem to be doing is moaning or whining or crying about these crazy things that just keep happening to me. So i am setting a precedent for the rest of the blog i suppose ^_^

A Quick Rundown Chronologically (for those that dont believe my words)

1) my scum bag fiance decides to tell me (by text message) that he has been taking my money but hasnt being paying the rent for the last 6 months. In 3 weeks we will be homeless...Cue him leaving for his parents and me having to find somewhere to live alone in 3 weeks. (please note, i worked everyday, he had 6weeks off for stress and depression, cause y'anno, spending ma money is hard work yo)
2) My brother (who is a paranoid schzophrenic) decides his medication isnt working...but heroin is. Cue him disappearing for a week after telling everyone someone is trying to kill him. (heart failure inc). He also tries to kill himself somewhere in there, only to be rescued by dad at the last minute.
3) My grandpa finally gives up on his 10yr battle to cancer (<3 RIP)
4) My step mum has suspected breast cancer.
5) my brother is back in the psychiatric ward.

I have come to the conclusion that i am either a cold hearted bitch or a complete robot to not have broken down yet.
Either way /roar. This is me. This is my year.

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