Saturday 11 August 2012

Absence makes the heart grow stronger?

Aha! I am back :) it took a little longer than I thought it would to get back into the blogging side of things. A couple of weeks ago I took a full week off work. It meant that I basically moved into my boyfriends house for a full week of relaxing and fun. No way in hell was I going to count calories that week. Nuh huh. So I took the opportunity to eat what I liked again. I wouldn't call it a total binge, it wasn't like I sat and ate til I exploded but still, I ate well! Japanese twice in the week, pizza, roast dinners and lush home cooked meals. It was incredible. Dreamy. Amazing.

As always with brilliant times, they do have to come to an end. On Monday I came back into the diet game with a lot of trepidation. To say that I despised every moment leading up to me going back to work and essentially back on the diet would be an understatement. The usual things made me realise that I had to keep at it: the stupidity of not having my clothes size in any stores, cruising through peoples tumblr and pintrest pages to see all the pics are of those people of slimmer persuasion and the discovery of pictures of me from as fat back as 2007.

This week has been a little less regimented than my first week. Instead of being so harsh on myself and trying to eat things I "thought" I should be eating, I relaxed a little bit. My app made it easy to add together calories and find out the calories of things where I couldnt easily get to the packaging (sausage cobs from the work canteen etc). I think Ive been shocked this week as to how some things have less calories that I thought and some things had more. I kept my meals much smaller than before, decided this month to go for low calorie "ready meals" and then supplement them with vegetables (instead of before when i was trying to have just plain chicken (actually stupidly high calories)). I was a touch more lax on the daily target and I found that it has really worked. Everything in moderation and a loose grasp of the amount I should be eating.

The next step for me is more exercise. I walk 20 minutes to and from work every day, which I think is pretty sweet for cardio but I want something to complement that. Something extra. Im not sure whether to go for more cardio or to do something different like yoga or pilates. The only thing missing from my current bid to lose weight now is the extra exercise! I can do this! I want to walk into a shop and KNOW I can buy something off the rail without having to ask if they have my size or knowing that there is no hope in hell they have it.

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