Tuesday 17 July 2012

Already a couple of days in....

The first day (Monday, they always say the worst day to start a diet, but meh, I went for it) was an eye opener. I think I started off doing a whole lot of things wrong. A high calorie main meal in the evening that despite the numbers had no starch or carbs, no snacks during the day and a small breakfast. The result being that I spent most of the day feeling dizzy, sick and tired. It was horrendous. Getting to the evening just made me feel like crying as my main meal was yammed down my throat and did nothing to help with the hunger cramps in my stomach. I went to bed early and I resolved to do better the next day.

Today felt a lot more comfortable. I learnt from my mistakes and I tried to be more positive. Its so pathetic to think that all I'm doing is cutting out 200 calories from what a normal female should eat a day and yet I feel like I am fasting completely. I realise its all about finding your comfortable eating times and knowing when you are going to be your most hungry. I am going for a small breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and then an evening meal packed with veggies. I feel quite held back in the sense that I seriously despise all raw foods, this blocks out a whole section of awesome dieting foods: salad. Making up for that with vegetables is hopefully how I'm going to get through it!

Its just a case of knowing how many calories are in what, how to spread them throughout the day and variation. I managed to spend a good hour in Sainsburys after work looking like the mad ass lady reading all of the calories on the back of various items. It took awhile but I came away with some awesome meals for the rest of the week. Usually I order food shopping once a month and therefore lack a whole lot of fresh food as it tends to go out of date before the end of the month. Starting in August I am going to trial getting my shopping weekly. This means that I am more likely to get some good stuff because I wont have to be bothered to go to the shops anymore! :)

Things I have learnt on this short journey so far:

  • I need to drink more. Seriously, on the first day I felt like even my eyes were drying up in their sockets! Just like the idiocy of the salad; I dislike water. So I think my next mission is to find a low calorie squash that I can just drink until I cant stop peeing.
  • Snacks. Its important to have low calorie snacks in between meals, even if its just one. Today I went for an extra bowl of cereal mid morning and an apple in the afternoon. Tomorrow I have a bag of microwave brussel sprouts for the afternoon and a Nutrigrain bar to try in the morning.
  • Wasting calories. The previously mentioned apple was the biggest waste of calories I can see. I love the taste of fruit but it does nothing to fill me. Once I had eaten it I couldn't believe that I had just wasted 100 calories on something so pathetic. Guh. Lesson learnt on that one! 
  • Keep going! :) I can do this, I just need to stop being pathetic and keep going. I came home from the supermarket bubbling with ideas of what I will eat over the coming week its just a case of getting over this counting thing and starting to make plans of what to eat instead of just grabbing whats available.

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